One letter from Sol Le Witt
DV-video Pal, 4:3, color, sound, 8:30 min
Music: Princess written and composed by Moby, B-side of the single Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad, Mute Records, UK, 1999
Curator statement from the exhibition Stream, White Box, New York, by João Silvério.
João Leonardo presents One Letter From Sol LeWitt, 2004, in the gallery’s videobox (a small show window with an LCD screen.) This piece, which has a strong poetic quality to it, departs from a letter Sol LeWitt wrote to Eva Hesse in 1965. Leonardo proceeds by working with the letter’s content, “a lengthy vote of confidence” in LeWitt’s own words. Leonardo re-utilizes the word “DO,” found in the original, but approximates his visual language to that of the video clip. With a song by Moby, this work distances itself from the promotional video it could be mistaken for by deconstructing its genesis through a dose of irony and humor that works to decontexualize and render it strangely appealing to its viewers.
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